Move 2: Single-Leg Deadlift Stand on your right leg while holding a dumbbell at your side in your right hand. Pairing an isolation-type exercise with a compound exercise allows you to do several things. Bend the elbows and curl the handles as close to your shoulders; use the biceps instead of your upper arms. Shoulders Superset 4. Single-Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press. Back Superset 2. Exercise A2: Ez-bar french press, 5 x 10-12, 3/0/3/0, 3 minutes rest. Anatomically speaking, in these pairings one muscle group is the . Leg Exercises 5 Trainers Share Their Favorite Squat Accessory Exercises There's more to strength than just the Big 3 lifts, so try these moves as well. Biceps Superset 6. Leg and Core Superset Workout #1 Superset Leg and Core Exercises #2 #4 Superset Back and Shoulder Example Back and shoulder muscles are often trained together on the same day. 5. With feet shoulder-width apart and back straight, use your arms to pull yourself up (toward the trainer) by performing a curl. Leg Exercises Groin pulls hurt, so be sure to strengthen your inner thigh muscles. Keeping core tight and weight in front of chest, squat until thighs are parallel to floor, maintaining a slight arch in your lower back (B). A flat bench dumbbell fly or press is going to pair nicely with a reverse fly. Push through heels to return to standing. Time Efficiency. Your walking lunge should be loaded to bring you close to failure within 12 to 15 repetitions. . Just like it sounds, you perform the reverse lunges with a set of dumbbells for 10-12 reps per leg, immediately grab some lighter dumbbells and fire off some dumbbell curls for 8-10 reps, and follow with your rest period. If your entire workout uses nothing but supersets, the time savings can be enormous. This is a 4 day variation of the superset and timed set workout series. Back row and chest press Glute bridge (hamstrings, quads) and front lunge Kickback triceps curls and biceps curls If you are doing two exercises that are the same, opposite, or unrelated, a superset (or exercise pairing) is the best option. Lean back to fully extend your arms. CLOSE-GRIP BENCH PRESS & ROPE PUSHDOWN For your first superset, you're going to combine the close-grip bench press and the triceps rope extension. Opposing muscle groups is one of the most common supersets, and arms is also a common target. You can save time because you're working a smaller muscle group in the (almost) same amount of time as you'd spend . A superset is just a fancy name for the pairing of two exercises together. Do this workout up to three . An antagonist muscle is one that relaxes to allow an agonist muscle to contract - for example as the bicep curls a bar, the triceps has to . Arm Workout #4: Triple Threat Supersets. Back - Barbell bent over rows superset with T-bar rows. Landmine Rotations - 330 (if no landmine . 10 reps. In this comprehensive guide I will teach you 5 of the most effective superset workouts ever invented for building big, strong arms. Superset Pairings. Tri-sets are three exercises grouped together, and a giant set is more than three. Superset 2: Chest-Supported Rows and Bent-Over Flys. Glute bridge and front lunge (hamstrings and quads) Biceps curl and triceps kickback. In this week's Ask Me Anything sneak peek OPEX Fitness Founder, James FitzGerald , explains the basics of exercise pairing and provides some sample . What is an antagonistic muscle pair? this time paired with a shoulder-elevated hip lift. 3. #2. Perform each pair of exercises in the superset with little-to-no rest between them. In addition, the supersets will keep your heart racing and your muscles pumped. There's some overlap between these groups but that's because sections of the human body function differently in different areas. Squat Superset To Standing Calf Raise. Examples of agonist-antagonist supersets include: 1a. Lean back to fully extend your arms. 6. Squeeze your glutes and bridge your hips to the ceiling. Arm Workout #5: John Meadows' Mega Pump Routine. Supersets/Giant Sets: Hopefully this doesn't warrant too much of an explanation. There are three classic antagonist superset combinations (most popular): Chest with back, biceps with triceps and quads with hamstrings. Give your chest a rest between supersets and burn some calories with some jumping jacks or jump squats. so if you want to get a great bicep pump and add mass to your arms, then these supersets will do the trick and then some . Train your priority movement first, because you're likely to get more out of . Walking Lunges - 324. Barbell hip extensions. "Supersets are for people who don't want to sit around at the gym all day," Jenkins says. 3. Seated Face Pull. 1) Dumbbell Jump Squats To Barbell Squats Using a dumbbell or a barbell, perform a jump squat. Here are the training videos: exercise A1, exercise A2. It'll work both muscles, but place a big emphasis on your quads. Hold for two seconds and then lower your hips toward the . Mostly compound movements are used to maximize efficiency and to create the best growth stimulus possible. Leg Exercises Don't neglect the posterior portion of your legs any longer with these proven moves. The "Productive Rest during Plyos" Superset. Paired sets are what are included in the recommended routine. Chest press X tricep extension Shoulder press X incline press Press up X tricep dips Upper body pull Use all of the muscles. The technique calls for no rest between exercises and no more than two. The Best Superset Involving an Inclined Press. Exercise A1: Bench press (shoulder-width grip), 5 x 6-8, 4/0/1/0, 10 seconds rest. Barbell presses go first because you'll be able to handle more volume. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that a 2-3 minute rest be taken between sets of exercises. Biceps superset. During this movement, make sure your hips remain square. 4. Focus on pulling the shoulder blades down and back rather than really driving the elbows aggressively behind the torso. B1) Dont forget that there is absolutely a time and place for rest, and its usually better to casually . The inclined press works your chest, shoulders and triceps, with its main focus being the upper portion of your chest. Performing these exercises when you are most energetic and fully rested is extremely beneficial. The 5 Best Supersets for Athletes. The 7 best bicep supersets After trying over 150 exercises and testing countless pairings, we came up with a list of the 7 best bicep supersets for hypertrophy. Supersets, two-part exercises that involve pairing moves that contrast or complement each other, gives you the best bang for your proverbial buck, says Shaun Jenkins, senior training manager for Tone House in New York City. Move 1: Chest-Supported Rows . Upper body push These exercises target the chest, shoulders and triceps . Chest-Supported Row. A superset involves pairing two exercises together and performing one after the other with no rest in between. Here are four power pairings that you can add to your own training program to cut down on your overall workout time and still get a great training effect! Because of the dimished downtime, you will feel more engaged. How many? 8. They involve alternating between two exercises with a significant rest between the performance of each . Agonist-antagonist or alternate-peripheral supersets are best for building strength. 8 - 10 reps per exercise NO REST between exercises Rest 60 seconds MAX between sets To begin you're going to start off with a heavy close-grip bench press. The aim is to compound the fatigue of the two exercises, with the first exercise impacting the second. The drag curl and the straight bar barbell curl pairing is one of the most underrated biceps supersetsand one which will give you an incredible pump. C2. SUPERSETTING WORKOUT 1 This program focuses primarily on antagonist supersetting but includes a staggered superset. Triceps Superset 3. Legs Superset Monday 1 Superset Barbell Full Squat 4 sets, 8 reps + 3 more exercises BodyFit $6.99/month Here are the best tricep superset workouts for building muscle. 10 reps. And they're better together, as they hit your back muscles from slightly different angles. Grips falter, scapular stabilizers get fatigued, and there's always a bit of overlap from side to side on these movements. Keeping the right knee slightly bent, perform the deadlift by bending at the hip, extending your free leg behind you for balance or resting the top of your foot on a bench. Bicep - Reverse grip chin-ups superset with One-arm hammer row. Supersets allow you to do more work by pairing two exercises that engage different (usually opposing) muscle groups. The biggest benefit of all types of superset training is time efficiency. 1b. Best Supersets by Eric Cressey - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Leg Extensions. 1B. Bend the elbows and curl the handles as close to your shoulders; use the biceps instead of your upper arms. A2. From there, drop down into a glute bridge to completely roast the glutes. Deadlift. While you're working your chest, your back muscles aren't doing much work, and you can rest 60-90 seconds between supersets and still give each . Supersets . Pairing two exercises together is a superset. Stand holding a kettlebell in both hands in front of chest, elbows close to body, and legs shoulder-width apart (A). Romanian deadlift. Training days will be intense, fast-paced and challenging. This approach uses paired exercises that must involve the same muscle group. Isolation Supersets. Shoulders - Overhead shoulder press superset with Arnold press. After both exercises are complete rest for 90-120 seconds and repeat for the prescribed number of times. A superset is where you perform two different exercises in succession (with minimal rest during the transition). 1. . Dumbbell or Barbell Shrugs - 312 with 1-count hold at top of movement. Drag curls create an intense peak contraction and emphasize the long (outer) head of your biceps. Lower traps depress the scapula, and upper traps elevate it. Rest for the prescribed time, and then repeat the pairing. Your Superset Workout. To add agonist-antagonist supersets to your workouts, pair two exercises for opposing muscle groups. S-B Pairings Farmer's walk are more of a pull and rely heavily on the upper traps. Increase weight as reps progress. Essentially, one muscle group takes a break while you work out the.The Best Full Body Workout Routine (Part 1/2) So to sum the video up, here's what your full body workout A could look like: Barbell Bench Press: 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps. Barbell Back Squat: 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps. Pull-Ups: 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps. Here are some examples of exercises you could pair together for supersets: Chest press and back row. Here again, you can easily transition from one exercise to the next without moving around, making this is a good option for those days when the gym is busy and equipment is hard to come by. 2 If you're tight on time, supersets are great for cutting down on the time you spend resting between sets without compromising your muscle growth. Lower-Body Strength and Power Superset. Lifters That Want to Increase their Muscle Hypertrophy What are the Most Common Supersets? Superset 1 - Incline Barbell Press and Incline Dumbbell Fly: Start your workout with incline exercises paired in a superset. . D2. SUPERSET #1: OPPOSING MUSCLE GROUPS - BICEPS & TRICEPS When we talk about the opposing muscle groups type of superset, there's nothing more classic than biceps and triceps. You are simply pairing a push with a pull. 1A. Leg curls There are a host of benefits to the superset, including spending less time in the gym and burning more calories. A superset is when you pair two exercises together, with little to no rest. Legs - Lunges superset with Wide stance squats. How to do it: Lie face-up on the floor with knees bent 90 degrees and feet on the floor. . Reverse Flies One of the easiest exercises to pair with a chest fly or dumbbell press is the reverse fly. These moves target your upper back, which will even out potential muscle imbalances and can help you stand taller, Frozaglia says. Fort his workout you are going to superset close grip bench presses with ez-bar french presses. Here are some of the top ones. the chest and back). . Arm Workout #2: Heavy, Then Superset. Upper- and Lower-Body Superset. He used it primarily for calf training (as well as ab training). What it does: It's one of the best moves to improve the activation patterns of the glutes. Best Supersets that Work Opposing Muscle Groups (Antagonist) Chest & Back Supersets (Push/Pull) Chest and back pairings are the easiest to visualize in terms of opposing muscle groups. The second and best way to superset is by pairing exercises of opposing muscle groups such as Back and Chest, Thighs and Hamstrings, Biceps and Triceps; or different muscle movements such as Shoulders and Calves, Upper Abs and Lower Abs. Chest and Back Superset. Shoulders and Back Superset. Do 4 rounds with . Abdominal Roll-Outs - 215. For one, if its an . Peanut butter and jelly, Ren and Stimpy, Wine and Cheese some pairings just make sense naturally and in the exercise world its no different. This method was made famous by Arnold way back in the 1970s. Many bodybuilders, cross-fitters, and powerlifters train their shoulders and back together. Do as many rounds as possible. For example, the bicep and the tricep are both in the same part of the arm but they help during pushing & pulling motions, respectively. Back and Chest Biceps and Triceps Hinge and Squats 6 Super Set Exercises for Full-Body Workout 1. Remember that good pairings are both safe and appropriate in light of your goals (e.g., not pairing two grip intensive exercises). Bodybuilding Synergist Superset Quads and Glutes A walking lunge is a great choice to start the synergistic superset for quads and glutes. With feet shoulder-width apart and back straight, use your arms to pull yourself up (toward the trainer) by performing a curl. This brings me to my favorite A-P pairing: the reverse lunge and dumbbell curl. Triceps - Close grip bench press superset with Triceps French press. Please check out the 5 day split variation here. For example, anytime chest and back, or biceps and triceps, or quads or hamstrings are paired in a superset, that represents opposing muscle groups. Perform each superset a total of 3-4 times. D1. Do your first exercise, and on completion, immediately do the second exercise. Here's an example antagonistic superset: Pull Ups (3 sets of 10) Bench Press (3 sets of 10) Rest 90-120 seconds between each superset of pull ups and bench. The true rest interval comes after you complete one set of both exercises. It'll work both muscles, but place a big emphasis on. Other exercises to pair with a deadlift as a superset include: Pistol squats Lunges Pullups Romanian split squats Mountain Climbers Push-up Jacks Planks Bench Press Bicep Curls Dips There's a routine for the long head, the lateral head, and one for overall triceps development. DEADLIFTS SUPERSET WITH BENT OVER ROWS Another great superset pairing is barbell deadlifts with bent over rows. Well, push-ups and pull-ups are the perfect example of two exercises that you can superset to train opposing muscle groups (i.e. Set timer for 5 minutes. Incline or flat bench barbell press with bent-over or chest supported barbell row Barbell or dumbbell shoulder press with pull up or machine pull down Decline bench barbell press with inverted row Leg extension with lying or seated leg curl Leg press with barbell or dumbbell Romanian deadlift Barbell front or back squat with glute-ham raise As with my other Super-Man programs, Remastered pairs opposing muscle groups as well as opposing movements. How many? It doesn't really matter what the exercises are as such, as long as they involved the same muscle. It's traditionally performed with a barbell. Complete Bicep and Tricep Superset Arm Workout. . Legs - Hamstrings, Quads & Calves. . . If you are focused on muscular endurance, the deadlift and barbell row superset is a great way to keep your muscles engaged for a long period of time. After those 8 reps, the recommendation is to rest for 2-3 minutes before doing another 8 repetitions or moving on to the next exercise. Let's say you just performed 8 repetitions of bicep curls. Push-Ups. Top 10 Benefits Of Antagonist Supersets. 20. (Supersetting bis and tris is a phenomenal technique that helps you gain arm muscle while simultaneously reducing your gym time. Best Lower-Body Superset Combos Romanian Deadlift / Front Squat Hip Thrust / Alternating Forward Lunge Glute-Ham Raise / Leg Press Best Upper/Lower Body Superset Combos Back Squat / Chin Up Front Squat / Parallel Bar Dips Deadlift / Dumbbell Floor Press How Long to Rest for Your Specific Goals Benefits of Supersets A walking lunge is a great choice to start the synergistic superset for quads and glutes. 1 Ring Dip And Chin-Up/Hip Thrust Combo Pair ring dips with a chin-up/hip thrust combination exercise I created to blast the back, glutes, and hamstrings simultaneously. When you complete the presses, take a pair of . Arm Workout #3: Superset, Then Eccentric Training. Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps. SUPERSET WITH: Leg Curl Last but not least, we have a special type of superset where you pair up a major muscle like quads with a small totally unrelated muscle (not the same muscle or antagonist muscle). Directions: Do 3 sets of each pair of exercises, doing the first move, then immediately doing the second move, then taking a 60-second break. Interestingly, alternate-peripheral supersets (pairing the squat and bench press) showed greater losses than agonist-antagonist supersets (supersetting the row and bench press). Incline DB Chest Press w/ Chest Supported Row Antagonist Supersets. Do 2-3 rounds of each superset. And that is not only safe but also effective for developing strength and mass. Research suggests that longer rest intervals are better for stimulating muscle hypertrophy. Bench presses are a push and require some lower trap activation for a good "tucked" upper body positioning. Using supersets, you might reduce your training time a little or a lot. For this superset variation, use a weight that's heavy enough to challenge you, and don't go too. 5 Great Superset Combinations. Only your shoulders and hips remain on the ground. Chest Superset 5. I like pairing opposing bodyparts such as biceps and triceps, quads and hamstrings, etc. Allow muscles to recover the minimal amount while working the other, maintaining the blood flow to the area being worked. A1) Single-leg Exercise side #1 A2) Single-leg Exercise side #2 I structure programs this way because I want people to rest between sides on these movements. A1) Front squats x 8 reps. A2) Overhead bodyweight squats (hold a dowel or stick overhead) x 15 reps. 4. If this doesn't seem like a lot, bear in mind that by doing a tricep superset in the first place, you're basically doing double the number of sets . C1. These are some exercises that you can pair up for supersets. Prime example numero uno - by changing the height of the cable and your positioning relative to the force vector, it becomes easier to recruit the upper back effectively.